All About Immigration

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dear Ms. Starrett: Constitution Party

You wrote: "We fight back every time we write a letter to an elected official a letter to the editor or send a donation to an organization that fights for the issues close to our hearts. We fight back each time we dare run for office against the incumbents. In addition, we fight back with each prayer we utter invoking Divine Providence." All very important concepts, but how effective?

1. I write my elected officials frequently, and get back a form letter on a subject I did not write about. If on subject, it fails to address my concern, or just merely tells me how much he/she is concerned. At votetime he/she has expressed another view.

2. I cannot even get organizations that I support to respond to questions I have. There is never any real plan brought forth by most organizations to solve the problem that they are engaged to fight. We write, write, and write some more, but to each other. I voted for the Constitutional Party in the general election, but wonder why there were so few votes for Baldwin?
Where was the message? Even the local chapter was largely benign.

3. I do vote against incumbents generally, but the alternatives are not desirable in most cases. That's a dilemma that the local chapter needs to address, being more effective in making their case for or against someone.

4. God, does have a plan, and perhaps we have abused or rejected his desire for fulfillment? I am no longer sure this nation is "one underGod." We have allowed God fearing people to be rejected in favor of agnosticism and atheism, through the huge influx of diversity. Everyone, regardless of consequence, now control some portion of our lives. Democracy has totally replaced Republicanism.

Obama, now considered by the masses as the messiah, is false hope, and the change he offers is from freedom and liberty to socialism/communism. Our system of government has crashed and is totally under the control of large corporations and their one world governmental dream.
We cannot even get the U.S. Supreme Court to address one simple question...
what is a natural born citizen?

Answer, that Chief Justice Roberts and B. Hussein Obama is no longer eligible.

Thank you for letting me vent my anger.

Robert B. Murray II, Ph.D.

Dr. Murray,
While it appears we're not making any strides, at least we're holding them off to some degree.

We're called to show up for duty and leave the results to God.

There's a saying that goes something like.." I can't do everything, but I can do something, and what I can do, I must do!"

That always helps me when I feel overwhelmed.

Thanks for your email!


Mary Starrett
Constitution Party