All About Immigration

Saturday, April 19, 2008


We are currently in an endless war, our troops are scattered throughout the world, and we are about to start another "do as I say war." Yet, the Commander-in-Chief and advisors have absolutely no conception of how to deal with the terrorists in these foreign lands, but tell us we are being protected at home. The only plan appears to be to destroy it, then rebuild it in our image. What an image we project!

What is it about us that we feel obligated to tell others how to live and govern themselves? Are we really capable of managing our own affairs? Consider the billions being spent by the current administration on homeland security. Since its creation the DHS has proven itself incapable of doing anything to protect the citizens of this nation from terrorists. The borders remain porous.

Our leaders continue to allow thousands of Saudi students, Iraqi refugees, Indian tech workers, and a host of other potential terrorists to legally enter. The DHS does not have a clue as to the motives of most of these entrants, nor do they even have a guess as to who the illegals are that cross the borders. They are incapable of insuring guests return to their countries of origin, so how could they ever manage checking on millions of guest workers. Open borders are just one part of the plan to destroy the sovereignty of this nation.

Our total national debt is above $9 trillion, of which $5 trillion is owned by foreigners, and for China alone we owe $1.3 trillion. Our trade deficit was $764 billion in 2006. We owe about $50 trillion to social security and medicare. Consider also, foreigners control some 8,000 U.S. companies worth more than $8 trillion, with some being bought with the intention to gain global control of key technologies and raw materials. When we have sold all our wealth producing industries to foreign interests...then how will we pay the bills? On a service economy?

Are our leaders being duped by foreign governments or is this just another part of the plan? China manipulates its currency to artificially provide price advantages for their exports. Many European countries have value added taxes, but we agree to eliminate tariffs. Our Congress willingly joined the WTO to facilitate our downfall.

Don't be oblivious to the obvious. There is a calculated reason for this apparent stupidity. My guess is that the plan is to destroy this nation through diversity and multiculturism. Then unite us into a one world government controlled by a consortium of corporate interests.

Unhappy American

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