All About Immigration

Sunday, October 29, 2006


October 29, 2006

It 'tis the season to beg for money, berate your opponent, and promise everything that is not yours to's election time.

Every so often we get some new-wannabes, but usually it is the same slate of thugs hoping to extend their tenure at the public trough.

Regardless, whether Democrat or Republican, the yapping, yowling, and promising goes on.
Few candidates ever concern themselves that their promises are unconstitutional and are mostly socialistic.

Unfortunately, the people have succumbed to the drone of these parrots, echoing party lines, as if it is gospel and good for our well being, as well as for the nation.
We have, sadly, become willing to be led by fascists, socialists, and Marxists.
We are no longer willing to hold our government accountable.

We have capitulated to "Big Brother knows best."

How can we as a people allow our government to funnel tons of dollars into subversive groups that work against the laws we have enacted, or literally lose trillions to corruption, in-competency, and waste?

Do Democrats or Republicans ever propose to remove federal programs that are not only costly, but unconstitutional?

We read about the impending destruction of the middle class and the bankruptcy of our nation.

Our country is being invaded, do politicians really care, and offer real solutions to rid the nation of these hordes?

Do we ever hear of a politician refusing federal grant money or "pork?"
Who is speaking for the citizens of this nation?
Obviously, not those wearing Democratic and Republican buttons in their lapel.

Don't you think it time for American's to take back their country from those so eager to destroy it?

Tell your favorite politician his/her loyalty is to United States not the party and that they must abide by the Constitution.

Anything less is unacceptable nor will be tolerated.

Unhappy Americans

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