All About Immigration

Thursday, April 20, 2006

What Local Governments Can Do About Illegal Immigration

April 19, 2006

It should be painfully obvious to most all of us that our federal government has no intention of stopping or even reducing illegal immigration. It seems all too clear that we have a president and congress that are willing to allow foreign lawbreakers to invade our country and live off taxpayer welfare with total impunity. But there is something that local governments can do. And, thankfully, several local governments around the country are already doing it.
An April 14, 2006 New York Times report stated, "While lawmakers in Washington debate whether to forgive illegal immigrants their trespasses, a small but increasing number of local and state law enforcement officials are taking it upon themselves to pursue deportation cases against people who are here illegally.

"In more than a dozen jurisdictions, officials have invoked a little- used 1996 federal law to seek special federal training in immigration enforcement for their officers.
"In other places, the local authorities are flagging some illegal immigrants who are caught up in the criminal justice system, sometimes for minor offenses, and are alerting immigration officials to their illegal status so that they can be deported."
Well, amen! Local and state governments are beginning to see the light (and are probably feeling the heat as well). And for good reason.
The brunt of the burden caused by illegal immigration is born by local and state governments. It is local communities who feel the strain of overcrowded classrooms, congested highways, packed emergency rooms, and stuffed jail cells. It is local citizens who must bear the burden of higher taxes to support the skyrocketing costs of health care, education, criminal justice, and transportation. Rest assured, President Bush and his fellow elitists in Congress feel the burden of illegal immigration no more than retiring Exxon chairman Lee Raymond feels the burden of increased gas prices.

However, imagine what would happen if a majority of local and state governments began a concerted effort to arrest and arrange deportation for every illegal alien they discover! Well, my friends, many local officials have begun doing just that. Now, each of us should demand that all our local officials follow suit!

Each of us should call our local sheriff, police chief, city manager, county administrator, mayor, councilman, and commissioner. We should demand that they enforce the law by arresting and arranging for deportation every illegal alien that they discover.
Furthermore, there are already laws on the books that punish employers for hiring illegal aliens. We must insist that those laws be upheld and those employers be punished!
Remember, the law is on the side of the American citizen. Illegal aliens are lawless violators and must be treated as such. When American citizens break the law, they are expected to pay the price. Are illegal aliens above the law? President Bush and Congress may think so, but local and state governments have the power to say otherwise.

If the American people will aggressively communicate with their local and state officials and insist that they put their foot down on illegal immigration, they will respond!
So, what are you waiting for?
Start calling now!

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Senator Michael Crapo, (R) Idaho...Response to your remarks: "Idaho Press-Tribune, April 18, 2006"

The Honorable Senator Michael Crapo:

Senator Crapo, your remarks to reporter Mike Butts, Idaho Press-Tribune, 18 April 2006, "Crapo backs 'sensible' guestworker plan," shows that you do not truly understand or care what your Idaho constituents want. I am angry and disgusted with your capitulation to pro-illegal alien employers.

“Crapo said most input he has received from Idaho voters on the issue supports strong enforcement of immigration laws.”

The truth is that we want our government to stop all illegal entry. We want all 20 million illegal aliens to return to their countries of origin. We do not want a guest-worker program of any form. We want legal immigration, including asylees and refugees, to be lowered from the current 1 million to 200,000 per year. We want our federal government to enforce the current immigration laws. We want the federal government to stop “aiding and abetting illegal aliens” by funding all groups advocating illegal alien rights and providing convenient loopholes in laws so that employers are not responsible for their hiring practices. We want citizenship for children of illegal aliens to be revoked. We want a repeal of family reunification laws. We want our government to be honest with, and for its citizens and not be shills for corporate entities.

You continue to stress we are a nation of immigrants (which is not true) and a nation of law (which is only partially true according to which laws the feds choose to enforce). The majority of American citizens were born here and were not immigrants. We as a nation have the right to decide who and how many can come here. We do not want to increase our population to rival that of China and India. The massive amnesty being proposed will destroy this nation. If we are a nation of laws then why has not the nation enforced their immigration laws? Enforcement is practically non-existent, and only on rare occasions does the government make a show of enforcement of immigration law. The laws are not broken, they are being ignored or subverted by government officials charged with enforcement.

You want a guest worker program, but past experience has shown that guests are not "guests" but become permanent residents. There is no control on their children becoming citizens, and thus parents are never asked to leave. Once permanent they then can start sending for their relatives and jump on the welfare band wagon. Why call it a guest worker program. . . that’s just b.s. It is a welfare program for foreigners and employers. This is just another government scam to give employers greater profits, while showing no regard for the citizens who must shoulder the costs and endure the pain of massive population impacts. You cannot be ignorant of the fact it is the citizens who do not benefit from massive immigration whether it be legal or illegal. You and your elitist collegues can hide behind the walls of your gated communities, jet off to remote locations to avoid the crowds, while the public suffers your rewards.

Do you honestly think that “we the people” actually believe you will enforce future immigration laws? Look what happened after the promises made in 1965 and 1986. For once do what is right and enforce current immigration law and let the illegal aliens know there are “no safe havens” anymore. If you really wanted to be a leader you would act to enforce our laws and do what is necessary to insure the government inspected documents and hold employers responsible for their hiring practices! You would insure that all illegal aliens knew they will be deported and not allowed to return if they don't leave within the next six months. Surely that is not too difficult of a concept, especially when it was promised by your esteemed predecessors in Congress.

Remember you took an oath of office to obey, defend, and protect the Constitution and that you have no right to give away my country to a horde of invaders and force me to pay for the invasion. If you don't comprehend my views expressed above, then perhaps you will understand why I and many others will not vote for you should you dare run again. I am sure you will understand after the election that we the people are serious and will no longer tolerate being conned by elected officials.


Robert B. Murray II, Ph.D.

P.S. Senator, you should really read Dr. Daneen G. Peterson's articles at: for more truth about the issues re:illegal aliens and their impact on our people and nation. You owe it to your constituents, if not for the sake of your own family.

Also, I invite you to visit our blogsites to find more about our views on illegal aliens and to make comments on this letter by visiting:

Friday, April 14, 2006


"You old white people. It is your duty to die."

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die . . Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. "They're afraid we' re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over . . . We are here to stay."

Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico, "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; "We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."

Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, "Remember 187--proposition to den y taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the last gasp of white America in California."

Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor, "We are politicizing every single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country . . . I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, "I'm going to go out there and vote because I want to pay them back."

Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, "California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave."

Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General , "We are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California."

Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University; "We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . " Are these just the words of a few extremists? Consider that we could fill up many pages with such quotes. Also, consider that these are mainstream Mexican leaders.

THE U.S. VS MEXICO: On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican even though most lived in this country. They booed during the National Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down. As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon. Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S. players before and after the match. The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."

Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and government contracts? It's called affirmative action or racial privilege. The Emperor of Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and immediately be eligible for special rights unavailable for Americans of European descent. Recently, a vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end this practice. It was defeated. Every single Democratic senator except Ernest Hollings voted to maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian and African immigrants. They were joined by thirteen Republicans. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have repeatedly stated that they believe that massive immigration from countries like Mexico is good. They have also backed special privileges for these immigrants.

Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world immigrants should get special, privileged status. Some examples are Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.

Did you know that Mexico regularly intercedes on the side of the defense in criminal cases involving Mexican nationals? Did you know that Mexico has NEVER extradited a Mexican national accused of murder in the U.S. in spite of agreements to do so? According to the L.A. Times, Orange County, California is home to 275 gangs with 17,000 members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian. How's your county doing? According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years after the great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia, 30% are still on welfare compared to 8% of households nationwide. A Wall Street Journal editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement officials as stating that Asian mobsters are the "greatest criminal challenge the country faces." Not bad for a group that is still under 5% of the population. Is education important to you? Here are the words of a teacher who spent over 20 years in the Los Angeles School system. "Imagine teachers in classes containing 30-40 students of widely varying attention spans and motivation, many of whom aren't fluent in English. Educators seek learning materials likely to reach the majority of students and that means fewer words and math problems and more pictures and multicultural references."

When I was young, I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island. They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breath free. They wanted to become Americans. Now too many immigrants come here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture.

Wake up America, we are stupid fools! We must stand up and fight back, NOW!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


April 3, 2006


“It’s not an amnesty!” “They are doing jobs American’s will not do!”

According to the esteemed Senator, “If you were to close the borders effectively and you were not to allow anyone in, you would run the risk of collapsing American agriculture, because now over 75 percent of the work force is illegal and undocumented.”

1. In the Senators entire time in the House and Senate did he ever call for enforcement of our immigration laws?

2. According to Phillip Martin, Agricultural Economist, UC-Davis, it is mostly big producers in fruits, vegetables, and greenhouse and nursery crops that employ hired farm workers and many of these are U.S. citizens. Why is the Senator supporting, for the most part, large operators?

3. Why doesn’t the Senator tell the truth to the consumer that increasing wages would attract more citizens to work in agriculture while increasing the cost to the consumer only by pennies? Martin explains it thus-ly, “On a typical $1 head of lettuce, the farmer is getting a little under 20 cents. The farm worker is getting about 6 or 7 cents. Farmers get about a fifth, workers about a third, and that is 1/15th of price, and that’s why the farm labor share is a relatively small part of the retail price.”
The Senator, of infinite wisdom, supports an amnesty that “...would allow illegal workers to apply for citizenship if they have been in the country at least two years, passed a background check, worked at least 150 hours in agricultural jobs for six years and paid taxes.”

4. This is a bizarre statement. Illegal workers can apply for citizenship if they have been in the country for two years, while still having been working in agriculture for 6 years. The Senator must mean that “ Jose Campesino” would qualify for citizenship if he worked 150 hours (that’s 15- 10 hour days per year) in his home country for 4 or more years, but at least 2 years in the U.S.? Oh yeah, this hard worker must have paid his taxes, but to whom?

5. It would seem plausible that a background check undertaken by ICE or other responsible governmental agent now would undercover the fact that existing laws are being violated. Why are they not being enforced? Do you really expect us to believe yoy?
Some House conservatives have suggested allowing prisoners to pick America’s crops.
Of course, the Senator reminds us, “Our laws do not allow for prisoners to do that kind of work. Multiple court cases say that’s indentured servitude, and that is not allowed.”

6. Why does the law exclude agricultural jobs, when many prisons have farms? Why is okay to employ prisoners in the Federal Prison Industries (Unicor) or states to employ prisoners in making license plates? How many times have you seen prisoners along side our highways picking up garbage? Is it indentured servitude if the prisoner willingly volunteers for such work? Besides the senator must be a real compassionate guy, because it is alright for a lawbreaking alien to work in agriculture and gain citizenship, but it is not alright for a lawbreaking citizen to work in agriculture and pay his debt to society.

Senator Craig’s statements in Idaho Press-Tribune, April 1, 2006.
Questions by Robert B. Murray II, Ph.D.

In attendence @ the meeting: Mr. Doug Traubel
Mr. Larry Lundin
Mr. Jack M. Moutrie
Mr. Robert B. Murray II, Ph.D.

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Saturday, April 01, 2006


I can almost assure you that everyone who is a true American was sickened when you saw multitudes of protesters carrying Mexican flags protesting the new Immigration Reform Bill in the Senate. This display of Mexican flags should give you a heads up on where these protesters allegiance lies their hearts are in Mexico and their bellies are in the United States.

As an American of Mexican Heritage I want to set the record straight, American Hispanics are not all thrilled with illegal immigration. I, for more than 20 years, tried desperately to bring this national debacle to the attention of the American people. I had the privilege of writing for several newspaper s, appeared on national and local TV and radio programs, and was asked by many political groups to address this serious problem affecting my former community (north Fort Worth), city, state, and our country. Many will question how I can speak on this subject with some authority. My simple answer is: I lived with the problem! Trust me, it was no picnic. Never in my life (I'm 68) had I witnessed the lawlessness, the deterioration of my community, and the black market criminal underground activities attributed to the influx of illegal immigrants.

To add injury to insult, politicians soon caved in to the many demands of illegal immigrants. Notably*:* bilingual education, bilingual ballots, welfare aid, free medical care, etc. Through all this national disgrace allowed by our politicians, have you all noticed that no one ever blames the useless, corrupt, and disgraceful government of Mexico? In contrast, they lambaste and criticize our country. How does that grab you? When I addressed the dangers of our porous border between Mexico and the United States, and the lax security of our nation, no one paid attention.
As I observed the situation, the problem was perceived to be between American Hispanic communities and illegal immigrants. White Americans it seemed assumed that the problem was not theirs to deal with. In other words they were, asleep at the wheel. However, 9-11 soon woke them up. Lets be honest with each other here, white Americans vote in far larger numbers than Hispanics do. And most politicians (Democrats and Republicans) in our city, state, and federal governments are white. Thus, who is more suited to fix this national disaster? I'm sure most of you know what the answer is. In summation, *I'm pleading with white American voters to join me in sending our politicians (Democrats and Republicans) a strong message that we will not tolerate ill egal immigrants telling us how to make government policy that will make it easier for them to break our laws.*
Hope you will join me in this endeavor in our upcoming elections.

James H. Reza
4204 Grand Lake
Lake Worth, Texas 76135
Phone: 817-237-6287 (H) / Cell 817-454-3316

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